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The regulation of the Faculty of Specific Education was issued upon the ministerial decree no. (150) in 19/02/1990.
The Faculty was established in Qalyoubia upon the ministerial decree no. (884) in 11/08/1990.
The duration of study at the Faculty is 4 years. It grants the bachelor degree.
The first graduates were graduated from the Faculty in 1993/1994.
The Faculty was joined to Zagazig University, Benha branch in 1998.
Finally, the Republican decree No. 84 of 2005 was issued to establish Benha University and make the Faculty as one of its faculties.
In 2006, the Faculty prepared a new regulation for bachelor degree by the system of academic years as well as other regulation for postgraduate studies by the system of credit hours.
In 2010, the departments of the Faculty were joined to the faculty of education after cancellation of the Faculty upon a decree was issued by the Military Council.
In 2012, the Faculty has been returned upon a presidential decree.