The Faculty of Specific Education, Benha University seeks to prepare and develop programs and courses prepared for various specializations to reach the highest levels of scientific efficiency...


The Faculty of Specific Education , Benha University prepares a specific (teacher/specialist) in the fields of (Art Education, Music Education, Early Childhood...


Faculty of Specific Education aims to achieve the following: Preparing teachers and specialists at various specializations for pre-university education stages in light of the community...


New Ministerial decrees to renew the appointment of general managers in Benha University

New Ministerial decrees to renew the appointment of general managers in Benha University

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Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the university president announces that there are new ministerial decrees to renew the appointment of general managers in Benha University. These decrees include the renewal of the appointment of Mr. Wael Fouad as the head of the university secretariat, Mr. Sherriff Abd Allah as the head of medical affair in the university, Mr. Mohamed Mustafa Abd EL-Aziz as the head of post-graduate studies and scientific research in the university, Mr. Khalid Mustafa Ahmed as the general manager of the faculty of engineering/ Shubra, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim EL-Sayed as the general manager of the faculty of agriculture, Mr. EL-Sayed Magawory Mohamed as the general manager of the faculty of education and Ms. Howiyda Fawzy Ahmed as the general manager of the faculty of arts.

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