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The Evolving Technologies Hackathon to be conducted in cooperation with information technology institute

The Evolving Technologies Hackathon to be conducted in cooperation with information technology institute

23 December 2023 | Published in News. Read 391 times.

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 Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the University president announces that information technology institute of the ministry of communication and information technology will participate to organize the proceedings of the “evolving technologies Hackathon”. This event is conducted to enable the disabled ones and it will be held in February 2024. This event comes in accordance with the deep faith of the ministry of higher education role to support the digital transformation, achieve Egypt’s vision 2030 to get turned into a knowledge-based digital economy and encourage the innovation, research and progress. This is done by helping the youth to put their smart ideas and programming projects into action. EL-Gizaway invites all the students in the Egyptian Universities and institutes to participate in the Hackathon. For those interested, kindly visit the following link: undefined