The Faculty of Specific Education, Benha University seeks to prepare and develop programs and courses prepared for various specializations to reach the highest levels of scientific efficiency...


The Faculty of Specific Education , Benha University prepares a specific (teacher/specialist) in the fields of (Art Education, Music Education, Early Childhood...


Faculty of Specific Education aims to achieve the following: Preparing teachers and specialists at various specializations for pre-university education stages in light of the community...


BU President inspects the Regularity of the Educational Process at the Faculties

BU President inspects the Regularity of the Educational Process at the Faculties

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Prof. Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has conducted an inspection tour to follow up the regularity of the educational process during the second day of the new academic year at the Faculties of Arts and Commerce.
During the tour, the University President has been reassured the implementation of precautionary and preventive measures in the halls in order to preserve student's health and safety.
In this regard, El Saeed praised the presence of University leaders and faculty members in their positions since the first day of the study among students to follow the progress of the educational process and organize a festive atmosphere to receive new students with the participation of their old colleagues.

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