The Faculty of Specific Education, Benha University seeks to prepare and develop programs and courses prepared for various specializations to reach the highest levels of scientific efficiency...


The Faculty of Specific Education , Benha University prepares a specific (teacher/specialist) in the fields of (Art Education, Music Education, Early Childhood...


Faculty of Specific Education aims to achieve the following: Preparing teachers and specialists at various specializations for pre-university education stages in light of the community...


The conference of the stduents exchange in the united Arab of Emirates with the participants of Benha University and five Egyptian universities

The conference of the stduents exchange in the united Arab of Emirates with the participants of Benha University and five Egyptian universities

The stduents exchange conference has begun which was organized by the Arab universities Arab union. The conference was initiated by the word of prof.Dr. Ghalib El-Refaay, the president of El-Ein university in which he stresses that the stduents exchange is very important among the Arab universities to help the youth stimulate their thoughts and culture. 


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